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Toronto Bike Map

By Mike Lin

My new iPhone app is out:
Toronto Bike Map

It’s made using Toronto’s new bikeways data set that was released on July 15th. I completely didn’t realize this when I decided to make the app over the weekend of July 17th-18th. I just googled for it, found the data, and made the app! I don’t think I’ve ever been so timely in my life :P

With the help of some twitterers It’s been getting some decent buzz and it even got posted on Torontoist! Unlike my last app, which has potential users throughout the English speaking world, this one targets iPhone owners, in Toronto that also bike. With such a small demographic I’m reasonably pleased with the 160 downloads in the first day.

A confession to make. There were supposed to be ads on it. Feeling adventurous I tried to incorporate iAd, Apple’s new ad network, but it turns out they aren’t serving ads for Canada yet, so the app is currently ad free. I may switch to another ad network in the future.



Sweet Toronto Raps

By Mike Lin

Long time no post bla bla bla

I checked the solo album from this local (to Toronto) MC: Abdominal, and it’s got this sweet super specific to Toronto song called T. Ode. After almost 1 year in the city I’m starting to get the geography, and so I sort of get what he’s talking about. Yes!! You should definitely check it out.

Abdominal – T. Ode Feat. Notes To Self.mp3